
Back on campus today and observed

Back on campus today and observed these notices in the . There's something about and outer which is so alluring. The Pigs in Space! The mobile game, 'Space Pig '! I'm pretty sure Peppa Pig has a space adventure too. Plus, 90s progressive glam-space-rock group, -- they had this nice tune:

With and : How Are Bamboozling

Spent the day with all of my farm friends! The weather is cooler and Covid is gone. The barn called my name and I answered. :)


How can someone look into her eyes and say "bacon tho"
She deserved so much better
givemeyourvoice thesavemovement

Its ! Bacon is just one of the pig-related words whose etymology I explored in this short video:


New Film Explores The Human Impact Of North Carolina Pig Farms

10 Pigs Rescued From Animal Testing Lab

Pigs joined by cattle in Cornwall moor rewilding scheme

Der Eber ist verstimmt
weil seine Kinder Ferkel sind
nicht nur die Frau, die Sau, alleine
nein, auch die Verwandtschaft - alles Schweine

The boar is upset
because his children are piglets
not only the wife, the sow
no, also the relatives - are only pigs

After much research, it appears the Walmart down in Tunkhannock, PA carries scrapple! Been looking for years, since moving here in 2016. Will investigate further after Christmas.

What is scrapple, "the other gray meat" Every part of a pig you don't want to think about, ground up with corn meal and spices. Then fried crispy, and served with maple syrup. Yum!

Pass...We need to learn the benefits of fasting rather than pushing to always maintain levels of 'fullness' in the body.

"Vibrating pill may give dieters a feeling of fullness, study suggests"

"Research carried out on pigs showed they ate almost 40% less food after ingesting the capsule"

Here's looking at you, kid

Aesop Rock - Pigs

God damn... pigs!
Potbelly... pigs!
Punch-drunk... pigs!
Take money, money... pigs!
Loudmouth... pigs!
Wide load... pigs!

Let's make a deal

Would you like to make a meaningful impact on the lives of farmed If so, we need you!

Public submissions are open for the Parliamentary Inquiry into welfare, which was initiated after exposed the use of gas chambers in slaughterhouses. Chaired by MP, , the inquiry will investigate the welfare of farmed pigs in , and prepare a report suggesting improvements to the government.

Vegan Australia is preparing a submission that calls for an end to the breeding, using and killing of animals in . In order to ensure that the voice is fully represented, we want to encourage as many individuals as possible to write their own submission.

The deadline for submission is the 12th of January. For guidance in writing your submission, click through to this link:

Let's work together to build a kinder world for pigs, and all animals.

The number of pigs slaughtered between January and November 2023 fell by 8.9%

This looks like a vital new : about the horrors Smithfield Foods (a pig farming giant) is imposing on on Black North Carolinians - correlating directly to geographies of

includes animal agribusiness

I hate seeing the K9 cop units or whatever at Howard. Like. I don't even like dogs that much, but involving dogs in your corrupt and systemically broken violence is just gross. It makes me sad, angry, and depressed to see dogs with steel muzzles at my public transit station.

New Expos of Pigs Abuse at Excelsior Hog Farm in BC, Canada

Trump's full on reading of 'Mein Kampf' is a big hit with New Hampshire Republicans. They love that racial purity shit, they just will never admit to it in public.

How refreshing for them, they have an giant orange blowhard screeching it at campaign rallies.

Work in progress

The pop-up ads after I booked a flight are pointed!


from G.A.M.E 365 from G.A.M.E 365


from G.A.M.E 365 from G.A.M.E 365

What are thinking
New research is revealing surprising complexity in the of , , and other

Ja z kumplem, kiedy wyrwalimy fajne winie na klubach za modu i wracamy z nimi na kanciap

Milk Price Index down just over 38% in the year to October 2023

I loved it too. Went to see in in our local cinema when it came out - just because

Agricultural Operating Surplus estimated to decrease by 32% to 3.2bn in 2023 as Milk and Cereal values fall sharply

Domestic Milk Intake down 87 million litres in October 2023

Experimental infection of and with pre-pandemic, -adapted, and -adapted of the A virus reveals significant differences in viral dynamics and pathological manifestations

Exposed Again: Abused, Injured, & Rotting Pigs at Excelsior Hog Farm

Picturing Pigs: Billboards Challenge Perceptions in Pig Farming State

It's not surprising at all but it's exhausting dealing with people who cannot get past the child mentality that police are all good. I (on another platform I won't name as it's much closer to my real life) supported a man who was unlawfully arrested, with unquestionable proof shown on the officers own bodycams, and have gotten hate from people refusing to even watch the video or look up the incident. Including saying I'm trying to turn people against all police.

For the record, I'm big on ACAB, but I never said such a thing on that site cause I know it'd be pointless, pick your battles. All I said was these two officers broke the law they're meant to uphold and abused a man, as shown by their own fucking footage. And that was worth multiple people going after me. Police are people and sometimes people do things wrong. Something that should be a profoundly simple concept to grasp.

I know people are like this, they're naive and brainwashed about the police being truly fundamentally good, but it's always disappointing to see. They can't even change their minds about two specific cops, when presented with hard evidence.

#acab #cops #police #pigs #all-cops-are-bastardsTiere wie das Hngebauchschwein Rocky im Erlebnisbauernhof Gertrudenhof in Hrth-Hermlheim (bei Kln) bekommen hier das Gnadenbrot.
(Mrz 2016)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
, , , , ,

The number of pigs slaughtered between January and October 2023 fell by 9.3%

sorry to say but you have worse to eradicate there, like ones.

25% off all prints - BLACK FRIDAY!!!!

Prairie super pigs a major problem for and the

Ryan Brook, a professor at the University of Saskatchewan and one of Canada's leading authorities on the problem, calls feral swine, "the most invasive animal on the planet" and "an ecological train wreck." 

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