
La Justicia anula la absolucin de

La Justicia anula la absolucin de los dueos de la macrogranja de cerdos que retrat 'Salvados' va


Are cows pickier than goats
To answer this question, collected 643 different plant species that were then fed to , , , and . The results were carefully compiled but not analysed until now, 275 years later, when they are also published by the Linnean Society in London.

Now this is what sailing is all about! ...a bit of adventuring, a bit of beach, stringrays, sunsets...!

Goedemorgen, ik zie er al maanden uit als een DOKwerker. Dat is niet zo gek want we bouwden eerst aan broedplaats DOK5, nu aan een grote expo in het Entrepotdok en drinken een biertje in het Brouwdok. Straks verder bouwen en dan hang ik deze snuiters op. Ik heb deze xxxl tekening speciaal voor de expo gemaakt.

Racist cops on NYC! They don't have to pay the fair.

Text des Liedes Pigs von Pink Floyd

This is what we support when we buy animal products. A life of suffering.

Swine Fever Outbreak in Italy Threatens Pigs

Agricultural Output Price Index up 8.8% in the 12 months to July 2024

Nearly all of us have been conditioned in how we perceive and treat animals. Going vegan is simply realizing it.

My drawings and paintings were done as an act of protest I was trying by means of my work to convince the world that it is ugly, sick and hypocritical. (George Grosz)

Acrylic painting - friends not food

Check out the lyrics for the song Pigs by Pink Floyd

Tell OHSU to Stop Using Live Pigs for OB/GYN Surgery Practice

At Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine (WMed) in Kalamazoo, emergency medicine residents perform invasive procedures on live pigs before the animals are killed.

Tell leaders at WMed and Charles River to end this cruel and educationally inferior practice.

More farm animals photos from my friend's family farm in Mill Bay. They have some rescue farm animals at the farm.

Ds birthday weekend started with a trip to a local farm shop cafe for a slice of cake.

They had and one mama had a tiny little piglet. Looked only days old.
You can maybe see them if you look closely!

Just raking my neighborhood pig, Snoopy

Visiting my neighborhood pig, Snoopy

Man builds houses for mice, tiny piglet stands up to the big boys, dog missing for 2 years reunites with family, and a winning cat.

The Digital Goodie for August was the full-size PDF of "Potion & Pigs" Postcard Artwork for the September Cypher Challenge. Those who received the postcard have until Sept. 20th to solve/answer the coded message. Correct responses will receive a Prize in their September Goodie Pack!
Everyone else can simply enjoy the artwork! <3

If youre into watching other men have sex with your wife, fine. But jesus, why drug a woman and have her raped Why not find a partner that would be into the same sexual things as you

Some men are truly

Wombats chew shoes, pig gets a bedtime cookie, shelter dog raises puppies, and a cat who wants your food.

Lyrics for the song Pigs by Pink Floyd

Finally completed that comic. It *is* heavily watermarked, which is more clearly visible in the final panel that the rest of it.

The pigs on the beach were interesting, but not quite worthy of the Hype. However, Big-O's for lunch was quite nice!

I am once again asking for pictures of guinea pigs

Agricultural Entrepreneurial Income contracted by 49% to 2.1 billion in 2023

The number of Pigs slaughtered in July 2024 rose by 12.7% when compared with July 2023

Veja a letra da msica Pigs de Pink Floyd

Its ! I am definitely a lover of bacon, so much so that its one of the pig-related words whose etymology I explored in this short video:

Animals for adoption at Jameson Humane Animal Rescue. Located in Napa, California

The Evening Post, 18 August 1924:
The lambing season, especially in the district, is fraught with the menace of the damage done each year amongst flocks by wild . Latterly the Government, through the State Forest Department, has been paying a reward of one shilling ca. $6 today per head for wild pigs killed in the areas most seriously affected. An official commented: Last year over 5000 wild pigs were killedchiefly in Taranaki, but they seem to be about as numerous as ever this year, though one would think that the number killed would have made a substantial difference. This year, he stated, the Department was extending the region over which the reward would be payable. The system adopted was to appoint certain residents as rangers to collect snouts, the Departments inspectors visiting the rangers at intervals. The collection of snouts, he explained, was adhered to, because if tails were allowed as proof of kills, they could be faked by a certain method of cutting a strip of hide.

Letra de la cancin Pigs de Pink Floyd

The second crochet piggies piece I have created for my friends auction to raise money for the Billericay Pigs

Im crocheting pigs for my friends auction to raise money for the abandoned Billericay pigs
Heres the Christmas ones. Im currently working on a Halloween set too

Neolithic Pig-Shaped Pot, c. 6.000 years old. Collection: Jiangsu Provincial Museum, Nanjing, Pottery and Porcelain Gallery.

Photo Credit: Asianewsphoto.

It just dawned on me we don't need another letter to welcome Finland (Suomi) to the #PIGS
