
Not sure where these two were

Not sure where these two were headed but Im pretty sure they werent supposed to be on the road!


You And Me (Cute Cartoon Pigs) Trucker Hat by Cheerful Madness!! at Zazzle

A Litter Bestiary: pig.

Het vijfde meest intelligente dier, nog slimmer dan een hond, het leven gereduceerd tot.... een object, een niks, een kotelet.
Het leven bruut ontnomen, afgemaakt als kleuter. De mensheid heeft nog een hele weg af te leggen om eindelijk eens te zien dat onze mede zoogdieren ook lijden, voelen, treuren, willen leven.

Another work in progress:
Hein und Pia from
The finished wok will be on display soon at the group show "Erdung" at Cubus Kunsthalle Duisburg.

10) Man Gave Names to All the - Bob Dylan
11) , Monster und - Element of Crime
11) - Thees Ullmann
12) Farm - The Kinks
13) On The Wing, Pt. 1 - Pink Floyd
14) Shake - Fleetwood Mac

Und hier schon der Termin-Tipp fr die nchste -Sendung von und mit Wolfgang :
Di., 7. Mai 2024
21:05 Uhr

Pigs and hens suffer in cages for Aldi

This UK Factory Farm Leaves Starving Pigs to Cannibalize Each Other Alive Sign the petition to demand UK authorities shut down this horrendous farm!

Famous groundhog has babies, road trip with a piglet, crazy bearded dragon, famous groundhog has babies, and more.

The number of cattle slaughtered between January and February 2024 rose by 6.8%

Sheep numbers down by 4.9% in June 2023

Einfach nackt in die Sonne hauen, was Ses trumen und keine Sorgen haben mssen.

Knut kann es. Weil er seit seiner Flucht von dem Tiertransporter, der ihn in eine Mastanlage bringen sollte, kein Nutztier mehr ist. Kein Mastschwein, sondern Knut. Der einfach lebt, fr sich selbst, nicht fr menschliche Zwecke.

Wovon Schweine wohl trumen

On an island nestled in the , a lively group of wild pigs has made the sandy beaches their home. These particular enjoy daily swims in the regions crystal-clear waters. So why not send a swimming Spy Pig into their midst to learn more about their lives

Learn more:

Everyone should go watch

Seeing them happy makes me happy. They are some of the lucky ones.

Please consider donating to Little Bear Sanctuary to make sure more animals can live the safe and happy lives they deserve.

This little piggy had a littler piggy.

Vegans did something sneaky to meat packets at Tesco...

Joey Carbstrong does a little supermarket praxis.

10 things you need to know about pig farming

Undercover Footage Reveals Disturbing Conditions at Devon Pig Farm

Undercover Investigation into Victorian Piggery Captures Animal Cruelty and Bestiality

: Europe's largest producer misled customers saying pigs were -controlled. Denmark kills tens of millions of per year & exports most of the meat. , pork & have far higher emissions than foods:

Today I had a little lie in,
Then joined Sue at work.
Had a phone call from the hospital physio,
That became quite stressful.
Came back to check on Mum,
To make sure she is OK without Dad.
Finally installed my new house key,
Onto my 'Swiss Army Knife' keyfold.
So exhausted today,
And completely devoid of spoons.
Still had to do caretaking,
And cleaned the Meeting House.
Trying to chill with online jigsaws,
But nothing left in the tank.
Off to bed instead,

Pig in the house, tom cat moves in, bad wildlife photos, and piggy back ride.

Calls for legal action after unimaginable suffering filmed at Devon pig farm


Agricultural Input Price Index down 15.9% in January 2024

Agricultural Operating Surplus fell by 36% to 3.0 billion in 2023

Hier haben sich mal zwei Minischweine, ein Groschwein und ein Wildschwein zum Grenvergleich hingestellt.

Court Guinness Update: March 2024 , , , , , ,

My heroes in real life are now the intrepid researchers who try to find out how to do surgery during a spaceflight. To do this, you need a dead pig, an airplane, and lots of parabola flights. Each parabola gives you 30 seconds of weightlessness during which you can try out an operation step on the dead pig while fighting with the urge to vomit and while the internal organs of the pig may start to float away. The researchers have about one hour of simulated operation time per day, split over 120 separate parabolas.

(Data from the book A City on Mars by Kelly and .)

And, by the way, this gives a new interpretation to the term rocket surgery.

Gestern vor fnf Jahren fuhr ein Tiertransporter vor einen dnischen Ferkelproduktionsbetrieb. Hunderte kleine wurden auf den Transporter getrieben. fr einen Betrieb irgendwo Richtung Polen. Sie kamen nie dort an.

Gestern vor fnf Jahren wussten wir noch nicht, dass wir am nchsten Tag fertig und glcklich ber drei kleine gerettete Ferkel sein wrden.

Despite him being a side character, I physically resemble my pig OC more closely than any of my main characters prior to his creation.

A bit belated, I know, but for , here's Hammil MacLehan.

I found myself creating yet another stamp brush to minimize the amount of time it took to render a background field full of cornstalks.

How Britain battled food waste with the help of hungry pigs

It's ! Here's a porcine pal from Tanzania.

One month old 8 lbs mini pig and 145 lbs Great Dane take a walk.

First watermelon of 2024. Nom, nom, nom

Hey! Its ! And as chance would have it, we have a short video all about piggy etymologies!
