
signatures of identified in and .

signatures of identified in and .

What does your to-do list look like today Mine resembles a punk gig set list

Celebrity Pigs

UK investigation reveals dead piglets and caged mother pigs on certified farm

Happy for luck

Sonntag ist ja immer Zootag , hier ein Rundgang durch das Gehege der aktuell freilaufenden Originale. Alle sind momentan im Klexshop zu finden in der Tier-Rubrik auf wandklex.art/tiermotive-10125.

Here are some from last August

They are now grazing pigs (domestic, not wild) on the Purbeck Heaths. We came across this little family of them last night on the way back from birdwatching. They were very friendly one of them (out of shot as he stood beside me) was up for a rub and a scratch. We left the mummy and piglets alone, though they all trooped past the stopped car with no fear, mummy pushing right into the furze, snuffling around for whatever they eat out there. A wonderful encounter!

Santa Cruz Island and Santa Rosa Island were overrun by feral pigs after ranching shut down and cattle and sheep were removed. Since 2007, the ecosystems have rebounded, from multi-layer vegetation to formerly endangered foxes.

In the first six months of 2024, the number of Sheep slaughtered fell by 9.7% on the same period in 2023

Everything you wanted to know about pigs in the Middle Ages in this book by Dolly Jorgensen

Nipah Virus kills 3 in 4 people and started with farmed pigs.

H5N1 (Avian Flu) kills a slightly lower percentage of infected humans, and has transferred to humans via cattle farming.

It's obvious that animal farming is a huge weak link in human defences and longterm survival.

The fewer people addicted to meat and dairy, the better survival chances are for humanity.

Cop rescues hot dog, baby tree kangaroo and red panda, dog art show, and more.

The First Russian Pig in Space

Before sending the first human Yuri Gagarin to space, Russian scientists made a lot of experiments with animals. The most well known are two dogs who were sent in Russian rocket just before the first human made his flight.

This launch of the first space pig is less known to public. This hero was treated with humanity they gave him some wine before the launch in order to bring it in relaxed state.

Most of the 87 billion animals farmed for food each year are caged or crammed in cruel factory farms around the world.

In intensive systems, mother may be imprisoned in narrow crates, unable to move freely, when they are pregnant and when nursing their piglets. They are deprived of almost everything that makes life worth living. Most will never experience the outside world. These animals are exhausted, and their suffering is immense.

Stop eating other animals.

Do that one thing xxx

Let's Cook from my farmhouse collection, Happy Wednesday!
Available Here..

Agricultural Input Price Index down 10.4% in May 2024

Exploring Potential in the Cross-Species of A Virus to , Viruses:

We evaluate the roles of various animal , including , , companion animals, , marine , and other animals, in the spread of IAV to humans.

National park wild boar contain five-times more toxic PFAS than humans allowed to eat, study finds

This little Contemporary Pig, available here:

"Majali cattivi e poco inclinia alla galanteria"
F.M. Sardelli

"Bad pigs and little inclined to gallantry"

ps: the "j" instead of "i" actually sound as an archaism

The honest truth

Compassionate vet saves puppy, meet a clingy piglet, dog person becomes cat person, and cow goes for a swim.

Creative cat spaces, precocious piglet, kitten jumps from car, and dog loves Lincoln.

lien #choupi #gaa #pigs

Wenn du mal wieder mehr als nur ein bisschen Schwein brauchst...

, in fertig sieht das dann aus wie auf .

New levels of Hell. They've thought of everything except the welfare of the pigs who have to exist in these unnatural conditions until they're brutally slaughtered

Belching livestock to incur green levy in Denmark from 2030

Worlds first emissions tax on agriculture will require farmers to pay for greenhouse gas pollution from livestock

C'est l'angoisse cause du fascisme
Prenez une petite dose de mignon!
Photo 6: Glatine et Grognon me disent que les mchoires puissantes et les dents acres sont prtes si y a du no-nazes au p'tit dj demain.
Ah! Au fait! Ils veulent pas tre associ'es aux flics. Ils sont pour les clins, les gratouilles et les lgumes volont, pas pour les gardav', les tabassages et les meurtres.

Was tun bei dieser
What to do in this

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Pig heads hog Millar Avenue lanes after Saskatoon pork spill
Pig heads and other body parts were found lying on the pavement on Millar Avenue in Saskatoon after a truckload of pork spilled Thursday.

Pig heads hog Millar Avenue lanes after Saskatoon pork spill
Pig heads and other body parts were found lying on the pavement on Millar Avenue in Saskatoon after a truckload of pork spilled Thursday.

Pig heads hog Millar Avenue lanes after Saskatoon pork spill
Pig heads and other body parts were found lying on the pavement on Millar Avenue in Saskatoon after a truckload of pork spilled Thursday.

Oink! Constabulary are investigating the of hundreds of over the last few years - this is surely preying on one another, it can't be that easy to smuggle live pigs out of Britain, nor are they the sort of items you would sell in the pub (not as if I would want a cheap pig, even to keep as a pet - I live in an urban estate and don't have the space for it anyway!)

and will face a in , a world first

The number of sheep slaughtered in May 2024 decreased by 15.7% when compared with May 2023

New lab preprint: GWAS on crossover dynamics in pigs led by Cathrine Brekke. We explored individual variation in rate, positioning and interference and found a few significant loci in females:

Rate & interference associated with RNF212 (+ small rate effects at CTCF & REC114/REC8/CCNB1IP1)

Broad-scale positioning at MEI4, SYCP2, PRDM9 (+ small effects at ZCWPW1 & ZCWPW2)
