
Fat Celebrity

Fat Celebrity.

The things some people say about Fat Celebrity.

l2atl3astard @kratosacademy @davereaboi But then some liberal rag comes along and prints that it’s racist or sexist or bad for the environment for you to work out and be healthy. Healthy at every size. That BS. These fat celebrity’s are healthy right up until they croak at age 35.
CMeetsCarnivore @AHandyGingerGal Agree! I just don’t see the difference between a celeb doing it and a fat celebrity woman just being fat. The woman is empowering for her problem while the man is just ignored for his even though they both promote a bad societal problem. Meat based since 2018. Happy heart. Happy home. Eat more beef. Play more. It’s not that serious.
l2atl3astard @kratosacademy @davereaboi But then some liberal rag comes along and prints that it’s racist or sexist or bad for the environment for you to work out and be healthy. Healthy at every size. That BS. These fat celebrity’s are healthy right up until they croak at age 35.
SIurples ever celebrity saw the way y'all gushed over zoe kravitz and bella hadid and went and got there buccal fat removed
Alex35332 D.C. When i was young and skinny i was told James McAvoy now that i am old and fat, honestly, I don’t know if I look like ant celebrity Producer- The Hog Sty Podcast AV Tech and Trouble Maker HTTR, HTTH, HTTP
Jennifer_FE_C @Taceyking Just another celebrity I once respected, but now know they are actually big fat traitors to the US and the Constitution. sucks. Telling the truth, even if it hurts.
movearoundd Btches wanna be relevant so bad 🙄 It never gave Rihanna and your baby eats out the garbage and sits in pi$$y diapers all day . It never gave celebrity 🤣🫵🏽 spectrum lookin a$$ baby and a fat nasty wh0r3 of a mother All my life I had to fight .
MaryHMack @elonmusk Fantastic, does this mean we will see less of the celebrity narcissistic self promotion and more grassroots debate? After all this is supposed to be a public square, where celebrities wouldn't normally present without a nice fat appearance fee to talk absolute bollocks.
porcelainbones2 I will fit in tiny spaces and become their doll to use, I rather not be human at all just a object of their desire. I want to been seen in only their eyes as perfection, to out shine their past fat lovers and celebrity crushes that weigh no more than a child 21 // 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂/𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶 // 𝒔𝒘: 72kg //𝓬𝔀: idk // 𝒖𝒈𝒘: 47kg // 𝓵𝔀: 51kg // 𝘥𝘯𝘪 𝘪𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘥𝘵𝘸𝘵 ♡
A1A2Mami @diammaraj Girl that fat bottom forehead!!! You thought you ate! I was born cute Jt paid to look like that! Tf cheap version bitch I’m the original if we being technical. And Fupa😭girl idgaf! You dick munching for a celebrity that dgaf about you Amiya & Ariya’s Mommy💜long live Darius ❤️330📍
Nayeemknicks Just saw @fatjoe on @FirstTake. And I realized something… Fat Joe isn’t a celebrity, he’s the average Knick Fan. #Knicks blog
noah_mawson Derby, England @GCRDE72001 It’s when he’s at the mma and he thinks the camera is on him but it proper ain’t the fat dump just the acc celebrity in front of him hahahah DCFC
plumodrole @mylifegoingdown Maybe because he's always forking moaning about white people and 'racism'? What exactly has he had to 'deal' with? He is a millionaire, he is a celebrity, and he got a white wife (even if she was grossly fat).
mazie2021 @MrTracy01 @MattWalshBlog It is not just black or minority privilege. Intersectionality teaches she also has sex and fat privilege. Combined, those are formidable. And then you throw on top of that celebrity, wow! Now it really makes sense what she did.
bankersguide @joshgad You really are a gross pig. D list celebrity, fat out of shape and ugly. God luck buddy Market Expert
KatchCatch Titan Towers Asian women moaning and jerking popsicles? A big, fat win… 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Picture your favorite Japanese celebrity or joshi wrestler doing this. Close your eyes and picture it while listening to the video. 😈 aew/stardom/impact/tjpw/noah fan, yes I like wrestling || NSFW PAGE, Porn & Lewd Posts || DMs Open || Erotic Fanfiction Author || Mina Shirakawa Simp || 🔞
McDoomerface United States @Spriter99880 Nearly everyone in the world is a fat slob that can’t maintain any composure. Just a bunch of slack jawed mouth breathers. So to look like a celebrity all you need to do is dress nice and not be fat. Hey friend, listen: I know the world is scary right now…but it’s gonna get way worse.
Thundrmcawesum Tx @IJasonAlexander Oh gee I'm so heartbroken that another Hollywood celebrity is virtue signaling to quit Twitter. Pull up or shut up. No one cares about a fat washed up balls actor that leaked in the 80s-and 90s. Pure blood, America First, Secure the Border. Let's go Brandon
Erikisaac11 Kelly Clarkson is the most annoying celebrity of our timeline. I forking hate her fat dumb face and wish she weren't in literally everything. She's also from Texas which is Ohio if it deserved its hatred I'm a incubus with opinions, you've definitely seen me in your dreams. Actually American but culturally Turkish 🇹🇷 I love you
joekeepsitreal Website @nypost I click in here and all I see are blue check marks arguing about whether a celebrity is fat and what that means. My god we've really done it this time OUT OF CONTROL BILLIONAIRE BALLER Founding member of NATO Proud victim of mental illness Against me the very gods themselves contend in vain
halfassedscotch @BarbraStreisand You want the riff raff to not be able to defend themselves while you and your elitist celebrity pals have armed guards. Grab a piece of fat and slide off… I do a semi regular scotch review with an extremely low budget and lots of immature yucks and chuckles. Click The Link Below To Catch The Past Episodes. Enjoy!
earthhdarlinn sfv, ca! @jakep_4235 @oneandsolly 😭 you’re literally ganging up and bullying someone who made an unserious comment abt a celebrity who’s never going to read it or be affected by it. she doesn’t deserve this and karma doesn’t work like that asshole. and seriously what the fork is wrong with being fat!!! 20 | masc/butch loverism • surgery, botany, and yarn! filofemme :D any pronouns
GreenMerdragon @truex_katie Every fat femme celebrity. Regardless of appearance. I got Gabourey Sidibe once...and like, dude, I wish I was that hot but we all know that's not why they said I looked like her. Kelly. She/Her. Queer. Disabled. Tiara girl. Probably a dragon—or a very large pineapple. DM for crown commissions.
globallocal798 Everywhere @erbmjha @sakshijoshii Liberalism is a fashion and a mask to hide ganwarpan. Yet there are Indian TV channels ever ready to launch them into celebrity status and fat bank balance. A Citizen
patomiedosi Valencia, Spain If you can get your tits done canonically in the Witcher universe there's definitely some fantasy botox out there. He's got fantasy buccal fat removal, gets periodical fantasy chemical peels and is on fantasy ozempic. He's a celebrity after all art account: @lainchikito Félix | He/El/They | ESP/ENG Yaoi is bad and will be abolished under socialism
MrBatman777 @BetteMidler That "worm" has done more for humanity than you and big fat ego child ever dream of. Go enjoy the "fame" your washed-up celebrity has-been status gives you. Nobody gives a frack about you and your entitled white whining
Fat_Jack Queens, NY @EdKrassen It’s funny. People are upset bcuz a celebrity they don’t agree wit or like has made a valid point. She was verified. She took the time & built the following to do so. Now bcuz of some arbitrary thing she loses it? And the idea that it’s an Elon owned another lib is stupid. Your Big, Bad Buddha Daddy my pronouns are “Deez Nutz”
Barbara35980709 @donnaodowd @krassenstein Please tell how your voice is being suppressed? Maybe Donna you should sponsor a millionaire celebrity and pay for their blue. I’m turn see if they give a 💩about you. They don’t. They whine while sitting on fat wallets. Just here to observe
iratespecialyst Florida, USA For less than a double shots mocha latte with non fat whip and almond milk, you too can sponsor a celebrity and help save Twitter. ✝️🇺🇸🍊 💩 Generator
RubyGreenDream Do you think the next celebrity plastic surgery trend will be buccal fat injection to reverse the removal, and chubby cheeked kids like me will finally have their moment in the sun as they’re pawned off as livestock in the back rooms of Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeons? #buccal
charms55 Japan @GinnyMcDonald8 I'm sure my influence is limited. I'm not an influencer, or celebrity. I will never have a blue check. But then some extremely popular people didn't without intervention. And now that it costs, fat chance. Weeend warrior on trombone. Proud Dem living abroad. Fully vaccinated. Masks will be forever at this rate. Thanks a lot, MAGAS💉💉💉💉💉 Montana native. WEA/NEA
EllenDibble New England @myroslavapetsa I've never noticed checkmarks. From the beginning, people I paid attention to might have them, or might not. News and celebrity stuff can be found without Twitter. Musk may think he can steer humanity. Fat chance. We'll steer. Prayers for your family. Mainly children's writer, fmr court transcriber, library work. I'm now on post, same name, not using it though. Happy here.
LoneWolfTN I am a Free American. I do not take financial advice from broke people. I do not take dietary advice from fat people. I do not take medical advice from random people online. And I will NOT give up my guns because a celebrity, an athlete or an ex politician's wife says I should. More government is always the problem & never the solution - Without hypocrisy there would be no liberals - If U follow me - I follow back - DM me if I miss you
Mizzle0831 Colorado, USA @ScoutLaroo Haven’t really ever been told I look like a celebrity… just compared to Jonah Hill and John Candy in the past, because I’m fat 😐 "I'm livin in the future so the present is my past, my presence is a present, kiss my ass.” Backup account for @Mizzle719
FiziqueZA South Africa 💬 "Manganiello got totally ripped, bulking up and shedding fat. His abs alone deserve their own transformation article." 🤓 Read about the full workout: #WorkoutMotivation #CelebrityWorkout #WorkoutPlan #LosingWeights #FitnessMotivation #SupermanBody manufacturers & Suppliers of equipment for Fitness, Health and Wellness. Keeping people fit for life! Like our Facebook page - Fiziqueza #fiziqueza #fitforlife
enews Hollywood, CA Ultramarathons. Triathlons. The Tour de France. Only a few competitions are as challenging as flinging sliced cheese at your friend's face. Watch Fat Joe, Ne-Yo, and Estelle compete in Say Cheese on "Celebrity Game Face"! Your source for entertainment news, celebrities and pop culture.
WhaleRiderTX Dallas, TX #4 Lesser known chub in many movies, TV, and commercials. So hot! Travis McKenna. See his bottom exposed in Cheerleader Camp or in a speedo in Van Wilder. #celebrity #chubby #fat #Male Check his sexy self out here A chubby chaser who will be bringing you the best chubby celebrities he can. If you want more of me, check me and the chubs I play with @chubEchaser
DavidM2000AD Worcester We need to reintroduce celebrity-backed anti-litter campaigns. (Agnetha looks like she'd much prefer slinking about the stage of the Palladium in go-go boots to scrubbing the coal dust and chip fat grime off the streets of 1970s Britain.) #Abba Fear and loathing in general.
TheStarsan @adamtotscomix It's almost like one is a well known celeb and the other is a person on Twitter How strange people would vote for a celebrity 🙄 Now put lizzo against another fat woman, and get ready to be shocked at the results 🙄 I'm that 'Pick me' fat bitch that triggered you .. Follow my art :
Chadlad1 West Yorkshire @carolvorders @MichaelMarmot Oh so now @UKLabour and its celebrity supporters are promoting THEFT as acceptable!!!!! What an absolute disgrace you lot really are! What if someone walked into your plastic surgeons place & knicked your next pair of fat bottom implants? 2 wheelbarrows needed! #NeverLabour Married to Denise with 3 children & 5 wonderful grandchildren. My family IS my life like, Horse Racing and Football. Yorkshire born 'n' bred and a Leeds fan.➡️
vinkne भारत @KapilSibal Let me complete; Who benefits from the criminals ? Celebrity Lawyers, who charge fat fees from these criminals and who also double shift as politician there by including themselves in list no.2 above. Both sides of the bread buttered… Bhartiya, Hindu, Adhyatmic, Karmic. ।।समत्वं योग उच्यते।। - Equanimity is Yog.(BG,2.48)
gar_bones North Salt Lake, UT Celebrity lego masters, easy. Get Dice and Lange, and whoever else you want. Lorne, baby, cmon, you know you gotta get some new talent. I’m fat like Farley. Cmoooooon…. yee haw
Compuglobalhyp1 Dark side of the moon. @BrentButt Your a fat insulated celebrity Life is good Yes I'm jealous 🙂 Maybe try and see what we see. Obvious bias #patriot 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇲🇽🌏❤ I love all common sense people regardless of race religion sex etc. 🍻🍻
CMeetsCarnivore @AHandyGingerGal Agree! I just don’t see the difference between a celeb doing it and a fat celebrity woman just being fat. The woman is empowering for her problem while the man is just ignored for his even though they both promote a bad societal problem. Meat based since 2018. Happy heart. Happy home. Eat more beef. Play more. It’s not that serious.
MarriedwTV Los Angeles, CA Jami's April 17th movie was Enter The Fat Dragon. An exciting martial arts comedy about Fallon, a Hong Kong cop whose celebrity fiance dumps him when he has to escort a criminal to Japan. He then finds comfort in food and the title of the movie happens. Awesome! 🌟🌟🌟🌟 LA couple captured by TV shows The only way out is banter! @OddPodsMedia
ArthurMingo1 Asgard NO CHEATING your last saved celebrity picture is your therapist so who is it? Quote yours. "Are You Mad? Pandas Are Fat And Lazy And Have P***-Stained Fur. Lions Are Powerful And Majestic And Rule The Jungle." I am Arthur Mingo, Attorney, Sith Apprentice, Film Director and Worthy.
kiinggbaby i haven’t been told i look like any celebrity in a while i have this theory that because there aren’t that many fat lightskin celebrities people have stopped telling me i look like anyone. i used to get jordan sparks a lot and just recently got megan thee stallion like random asf a secret third worse thing
StumpyJG Orlando Florida A high profile celebrity was hitting on me then I said I didn’t like her then she said I was fat and out of shape and not her type ha ha Born and raised in Orlando Florida
Cannibalicedoll ♔♔ Black, She/They, 23 ♔♔ EDtwt does this to every celebrity. all they do is sit on their accounts and call skinny ppl fat cuz they dont have eds. so enlighten me how this is Dylans fault. King ♔ Oc artist ♔ Author ♔ ✭ ✫ ♔ proshippers and NFTS Mspec gay/lesbians and supporters dni !! ♥

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